Low Back


Unknot muscles that cramp-grip lower vertebra 

relieve pressure on discs.



Low back muscles (erector spinae, multifidus) gradually slide toward vertebra (medially), slowly contract into cramped rope-like shapes that pull vertebra tighter & tighter together, effectively pinching nerves (sciatic) & squishing discs. This over-tightness decreases mobility and blood circulation, causes area to clog & harden with calcium, slowly displaces vertebra, occasional aching becomes chronic pain, and disc slippage becomes a real danger. Know it or not, every adult is in some stage of this biomechanical problem.



Hardened musculature must be thoroughly loosened & de-adhered through fluidification massage, done by knowing hands that can move various lumbar muscles fibers back into their anatomical correct positions. One treatment helps tremendously, allows blood to flood into tissues that have been pinched nearly dry, immediately restoring mobility that clients often think was no longer possible. After one treatment most clients are so pleased they want more, insist on future treatments.



  1. reduces pressure on discs.
  2. slows or stops the grinding that eventually wear discs out.
  3. decreases chances of a disc slipping.
  4. decreases pressure on nerves, relieving sciatica.
  5. restores lumbar muscles to their natural shapes, feathery instead of rope-like.
  6. increases lumbar ligament & vertebra mobility.
  7. restores biomechanical stability & mobility.
  8. improves low back strength & endurance.
  9. frees low back to twist easily & without pain.
  10. significantly reduces susceptibility to low back injuries.



     Twisted vertebra can return to home locations, but slipped discs rarely ever fully recover. Luckily, de-adhesion massage & realigning vertebra reduce stress on slipped discs, enabling people to resume a normal physically active life.

     I have evolved a special stretch to lengthen the iliopsoas muscle (connects lumbar vertebra & sacrum to thigh bone) that reduces low back tension, eases sciatica, increases length of stride.

     Upper buttocks clump-knots trigger tension & contraction in lower back.

     Lower abdominal cavity tension & minor adhesions often trigger low back spasms.

     Overweight people should take a 10-15 minute walk every day, 2-3 minutes of this walking uphill. This not only gets blood circulating, it also stretches Achilles and low back, the two most immobile and compressed areas on overweight people.