8-15 years old

Children often over-twist their joints (especially knees, ankles, back & neck), need help to correct minor problems that can negatively effect movement and growth. Children with scoliosis need to de-adhere and reposition muscles clumped and overgrown on one side of vertebra column; when done before a major growth spurt, vertebra column often straightens out.


15-19 years old

Almost all young people of this age have some complaint, minor or major, about some part of their body that is too tight or hurts. But at this age, even when physically unfit, most problems can be quickly or immediately corrected.


20-24 years old

Lifestyle changes, (such as working instead of going to school, less or irregular sport activity), subject body to new types of stress, make one more susceptible to injury. When one is young injures are mainly due to accidents, but at this age injuries start to occur from built up physical stress in areas of the body that have been slowly becoming stiffer and less mobile (Achilles, low back, upper shoulders, neck). Occasional bodywork, the loosening and de-adhering of one’s most overused and overstrained joints and muscles, will drastically reduce vulnerability to major injury.


25-29 years old

Significant danger of power injuries plague this age group. Body mass, power, mental know how, determination, all reach a peak, push performance to its limit. On the job or on a sport field, low back vertebra get rotated too violently, knee ligaments tears are common, shoulder rotator cuff doesn’t get the rest needed to withstand over usage, repetitive strain injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome show up. This is the age when people realize their bodies aren’t invincible, that minor problems begin to turn into major problems that prevent participating in activities that were once easy and fun. This is when bodywork starts to become critical, when fluidification bodywork can stop a physical problem from becoming a lifelong handicap.


30-34 years old

Without regular physical therapy of some kind, injuries are a sure thing, especially mild injuries that don’t keep you off the job or off the sport field but reduce your mobility, power, and quality of performance. Neck strains become much more common. Weight gain immediately triggers pain in low back. Over working or exercising doesn’t just make you tired, it causes muscle tears. This is the age when pain pills start to become an occasional but important part of life. By this age many people have had shoulder-neck-headache pain for years, pain pills their only relief. Some people need intense therapy, but most people of this age need only one general treatment that loosens and de-adheres the tightest muscles and joints. Then they are good to go, their susceptibility to injury much reduced.


35-40 years old

To maintain fitness at this age one must routinely exercise, keep joints as mobile as possible, and immediately treat strains and displacements. Unfortunately, most people don’t do this. Those who do maintain their fitness usually need only one general treatment addressing the tightest and least mobile parts of their bodies. Unfit people need more, sometimes a lot more. By the age of 40, many people have been heavy smokers and drinkers half their lives. But fluidification bodywork is often so helpful, so freeing, gives one such a wonderful feeling of being physically younger, that people get inspired and improve their lifestyles. At the half way point in people’s lives, everyone’s body needs some kind of hands-on help, not only to help heal present injuries, but to prepare for the oncoming changes of middle age.


41-46 years old

This is the era when muscle tone easily becomes a mix of adhesions and floppiness. Our aging body now requires regular anaerobic exercise (sustained elevated heartbeat). This is the only way to get enough blood circulation through the whole body, particularly through areas clogged and hardened with sticky minerals (and throughout the deepest recesses of our lungs). But many people say they can’t exercise, that their knee or back or feet hurt, that they are no longer young and never will be again. They feel helpless and depressed, their condition often worsening from spending many hours in front of a computer. And when one doesn't exercise, nagging minor injuries occur too often, cause minor tissue infections that linger and prevent strains from healing. Fluidification bodywork can change this, can help heal the nagging pains and injuries, can make you feel a bit like you’ve been born again.


47-57 years old

Middle Age Whammy! Strength, flexibility, mobility & endurance decrease significantly. Focus changes from staying competitive to staying healthy. Regular exercise is critical, seems to slow down the aging process. Many stressful activities must be given up (overworking, rough sports, excessive indulgences) in order to ensure better health in your 60s. During these years minor aches and pains (adhesions & displacements) become debilitating, prevent one from doing the things one always has. This is when people start saying “I’m old”, that their knees or hands or hips or back is just about “worn out”. But usually people this age aren’t worn out; they have hardened tissues and joints that are stuck in slightly twisted positions. Fluidification bodywork feels like an answered prayer to these people.


58-68 years old

Goal is no longer total healing, but to prevent problems from worsening (back pain, joint deterioration, bodily functions), to slow deterioration in all the areas of one’s body that have experienced prolonged tension and pain, to stop deterioration before excessive amounts of medicine or surgery are needed.

Example: you have a slipped disc between two vertebra in lower back, the muscles around these vertebra are gripping them tightly so the disc won’t be further injured, like a cast around a broken bone. But this also means the vertebra never relax and expand, and thus the pressure on the disc is never relieved, can never heal. Getting blood flowing through this muscle-cast (fluidifying) is critical or deterioration and pain will continue to get worse. At this age health and mobility depend on blood circulation, on getting blood into the most hardened and immobile parts of one’s body. This is exactly what fluidification bodywork does.


69 years & up

Bodies are drier and more fragile, function slower. Older people need hands-on de-adhering only in most painful locations. This basic relief is usually extremely rejuvenating. Too much bodywork leaves the body in a constant state of recovering from the bodywork itself. Less pain & adequate mobility is the goal, are what is needed to continue leading an active life.