

Release adhesion tension 

that shortens & holds hamstring tendons in wrong location.



Hamstring tendons (semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris & adductor magnus) that attach to the butt bone (ischial tuberosity) gather & clench together, then this mass curls outward (laterally). This causes excessive tightness & calcium build-up at tendon attachment, the precise location of major hamstring injuries. To the therapist’s hands it feels as if the tendons have rolled too far toward hip (laterally) and hardened into one big clump.



Tendons must be compressed & moved back inward (medially), such that they separate & settle back into their individual anatomically correct locations.



  1. de-adheres & restores mobility to hamstring-to-butt-bone tendons.
  2. restores natural range of flexibility to hamstring tendons.
  3. significantly reduces resting-tension in hamstrings.
  4. significantly reduces vulnerability to minor strains.
  5. makes major hamstring injury highly improbable.
  6. increases hamstring endurance, thus elevating power available.
  7. knee lifts easier and faster, thus improving leg agility & quickness.
  8. increases length of stride, without requiring any additional effort.



     Hamstrings must counterbalance the Quadriceps, there is a constant pull-push relationship— but since the hamstrings are significantly weaker, any further weakening due to twisted and displaced hamstring tendons eventually causes strains, tears, or worse.