Realign Joint Capsules

relieve or end finger joint pain.



Arthritis or joint disc dislocations? Finger joints (proximal & distal interphalangeal) have little cushioning discs (fibrocartilage plates) in them that separate the ends of the two bones. It is common during strenuous activities that twist fingers, such as pulling weeds or carrying heavy objects, for these discs to slip slightly out of joint; meaning that every time finger is bent (flexed) these discs get pinched between the two bones. This pinching causes irritation, swelling & pain; often felt most severely when waking up in the morning when finger joints are particularly swollen from the body's overnight effort to heal the damaged tissues. Additionally, fingers are banged a lot during one’s life, leaving little areas of hardened scar tissue around the knuckles that slightly inhibit finger joint movement, making it more difficult for finger joint discs to move back into their anatomically correct positions.



Sliding a slightly slipped finger joint disc back into its anatomically correct location requires loosening & softening of finger muscles, loosening & de-adhering of the sheathing and any scar tissue around knuckles, moving finger joint in every direction to recovery mobility (this hurts), and then pressing disc back into joint while gapping the joint (this hurts too). Relief is usually felt within a week after treatment; long term finger joint capsule displacements usually require 1 to 3 treatments and take 2 to 6 months to fully recover—but they do recover, become pain free.



  1. restores natural gliding movement to finger joint.
  2. reduces or ends finger joint pain.
  3. cleans out scar tissue around knuckles.
  4. loosens & decompresses finger joint.
  5. realigns joint disc (the fibrous extension of synovial capsule).
  6. improves blood flow through fingers.
  7. allows finger tendons to glide more easily.
  8. increases finger strength, endurance, agility & stability.
  9. drastically improves mobility of injured fingers.
  10. allows finger reflex speed to return to normal.
  11. reduces finger vulnerability to future injury.



     Many people, instead of being properly tested for arthritis by a doctor, simply presume their finger pain is arthritis – “my grandparents & parents have it, so I must have it too, right?” Not necessarily, I’ve seen people who put their hands in warm water every morning to ease their pain completely pain free a few months later. Be sure, check with doctor; be sure that doctor is sure.

     Immobility is the hand’s greatest enemy. Even when it is painful, joints should be moved daily. Only movement will prevent calcium from building up, from clogging finger joints and making movement more difficult & painful.

     Osteoarthritis is when the articulating cartilage in joints degenerates, thins, or wears completely away. Only a doctor, through proper testing, can diagnose this. Once tested, if you don’t have osteoarthritis but still have pain, then manipulative fluidification massage should be able to help you.